Bildarchiv Foto Marburg: Eine Million Kunstbilder zur kostenfreien Nutzung

18.01.2025 (pm/red) Das Deutsche Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte – Bildarchiv Foto Marburg (DDK) macht ab Januar seine umfangreiche Sammlung mit Millionen von Fotografien zur europäischen Kunst und Architektur für die gebührenfreie Nutzung zugänglich.

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Vortrag über aktuelle Gesundheitsprobleme in Indien

Am Freitag, 27. Juni, referiert Herr Rs. Ranganathen (Indien) vom Center for tribal and Rural Development zum Thema ‚Present Health Scenario in India‘. Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „Die lokale Verankerung globaler Institutionen. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von Gesundheitsprogrammen zu HIV/Aids und reproduktiver Gesundheit“ statt, das von der Thyssen-Stiftung gefördert wird, und
beginnt um 12 Uhr im Besprechungsraum (Raum 00.004 im Hofdurchgang links) des Zentrums für Konfliktforschung in der Ketzerbach 11.

India is one of the world’s most booming newly industrializing countries, with an enormous economic growth and a constantly growing population, the provision of a proper health care for its inhabitants
remains one of India’s biggest problems. One of the most stigmatized diseases in India is HIV/Aids which often affects the poor and socially marginalized communities which already suffer from a number of other problems.

The Indian government is running HIV/Aids prevention programs like the National Aids Control Program (NACP), the State Aids Control Program (SACP) which include activities like awareness trainings,
HIV/Aids tests, distribution of medication and condoms as well as provision of help for sex workers. Moreover, there are numerous advertisement campaigns in the TV, in newspapers and even on consumer
products that intend to spread awareness on HIV/Aids and condom promotion.

Despite these initiatives, the fear built around this infection and the resulting discrimination of infected people is still a big problem, especially on the countryside where it even reached so far
that village side the stigma and discrimination is still big issues. Another health problem which is very prominent in the Nilgiri District of Tamil Nadu where CTRD working is the incurable disease of sickle cell anemia which is particularly common among the tribal communities with which CTRD Trust works. CTRD’s work in the field of health focuses therefore e.g. on raising health awareness and awareness on diseases like sickle cell anemia and HIV/Aids, with the intention to identify such cases and to reduce stigma and discrimination. CTRD is also working very closely the immunization program with Government hospitals.

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