Bildarchiv Foto Marburg: Eine Million Kunstbilder zur kostenfreien Nutzung

18.01.2025 (pm/red) Das Deutsche Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte – Bildarchiv Foto Marburg (DDK) macht ab Januar seine umfangreiche Sammlung mit Millionen von Fotografien zur europäischen Kunst und Architektur für die gebührenfreie Nutzung zugänglich.

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Man walking to the sky

23-01-12 | Towering high above KulturBahnhof‘s (KUBA’s) station forecourt, “Man walking to the sky“ by Jonathan Borofsky was among documenta IX’s most notable exhibition objects. This gentleman is well known in Kassel and its surrounding area as the man firmly walking towards the sky over a 25-metre- high inclined metal pole.

This artwork having been part of one of documenta’s former events, counters the prejudice which holds that documenta‘s artwork solely targets art connoisseurs. Borofsky’s work of art enjoyed such a high degree of popularity in 1992, that a fundraising campaign was initiated even during the exhibition event in order to purchase the sculpture. Back then, this famous skywalker was presented on Friedrichsplatz right in front of Fridericianum. Today, it helps Kulturbahnhof’s station forecourt Rainer-Dierichs-Platz defend KUBA’s cultural identity, which may not always reveal its character at first glance. 

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